269 Days Before Challenge Start
Surely, once you’ve done Everest then anything is possible. Maybe.
But we only did 5550m on Everest. I wonder if that means we’ll die somewhere in the Sahara Desert this time.
Season 5 is on our minds already. It’s a rally. But not like you’d expect. It’s called the Banjul Challenge. We begin in England, and head through France, Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara Desert, Mauritania, Senegal and end up in The Gambia, over three weeks. So what’s the catch? The car we are using costs £100 and must be Left Hand Drive. Add that to the war that’s currently ranging between the Western Sahara and Morocco, and the fact that the Army has to escort us through Mauritania, and we’ve got ourselves quite an adventure.
It only took 10 minutes and a cup of tea for James and I to start talking about Season 5, not four weeks after we returned from Nepal and India. There’s so much on the cards, so much to see and do. My move to Montreal in June means S.E.A.T will start heading into the Northern Hemisphere where we can explore the America’s North and South, Europe where James has travelled extensively on his own, and of course Africa. After discussions on wether we should road trip across Canada and the USA, or visit South America we settled on something spanning two continents - The Banjul Challenge.
Chris has confirmed he is on board this time round after missing out on the last two seasons. It’s about time he joins us before we revoke his SEAT membership! The three of us are back. It truly is a coming together of grand proportions. James will be flying into England from Sydney for Christmas with the family, I will be flying in from Montreal after spending new years eve in NYC and Chris, who has already asked us to float him with the entry fee, will probably be asking us to buy his airline tickets from South Africa.
Of course, even with the team at full strength, this could all go horribly wrong. The car we use could break before we even leave England. That’s if we even find one at all. Try searching for a LHD car for £100 and you’ll see what we mean. We could get totally stranded in the desert. Or kidnapped. Or blown to bits in a war. Or sat on by Chris. But, hopefully, we will finish the rally and complete yet another grand adventure. All these unknown factors just mean Season 5 is going to be yet another great Super Extreme Adventure.
First things first, Entry opens tomorrow.. lets hope we actually get a place..